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release: 0.1.1 MIT LICENSE Documentation Status

Please note that this project is still in development

Microbial Data Standard#

This project defines a new microbial data standard for culture collection strain data. The new microbial data standard is part of the work of WP6 of the Bioindustry 4.0 project.

Technical information#

First there is a data model written in pydantic.

Also included in the project is the JSON-schema file of the new data standard. You find the JSON schema in schema/microbe_schema.json.

If you want to report a bug, contribute to the project or suggest new features, please contact the project owner.

How to use#

The provided data model and schema are for data validation.

Examples for using the pydantic data model:


from microbial_strain_data_model.microbe import Microbe

Generate JSON schema:

import json
from microbial_strain_data_model.microbe import Microbe

mi = Microbe.model_json_schema()
print(json.dumps(mi, indent=2))

Validate a JSON against the pydantic model:

from microbial_strain_data_model.microbe import Microbe

with open("PATH_TO_FILE", "r") as f_in:
        file_content =


Validate a JSON against the JSON schema:

import jsonschema
import json

with open("PATH_TO_SCHEMA", "r") as schema_file:
        schema = json.load(schema_file)

with open("PATH_TO_FILE", "r") as f_in:
        json_content = json.loads(f_in)

jsonschema.validate(json_content, schema)